Saturday, October 26, 2013

Our reading list..

The Keeper's been reading so many books on relationships and marriage that he joked that he can become a marriage counsellor...

His list:

1. Five Love Languages for Singles by Gary Chapman
2. For Men Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
3. The Mystery of Marriage by Mike Mason
4. When Sinners say I do by Dave Harvey (this was our pre-maritial counselling book)

His wife's read all that plus the following:

1. The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
2. Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerich  
3. For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn 

and also bits and pieces of these two books on the technicalities on physical intimacy recommended by a mature Christian friend..(we will read them more earnestly after I've moved to the US for good...)

1. Sheet Music by Kevin Leman
2. Intended for pleasure by Ed Wheat, Gaye Wheat

So which one's the best resource so far?
For a quick fix, Love and Respect should quickly break the crazy cycle that results in communication breakdowns between husbands and wives and offers some doable tips which can possibly restore tenderness and romance  back into the relationship..

The books on love making are rather interesting and gave me a whole new perspective on the subject matter...not so much on techniques but on the purpose and power of sex, especially on men..

Hmmm.....if I had to pick just one book to read over and over again, it'd be Mike Mason's the Mystery of Marriage. He gives a very realistic but still extremely glorious view of marriage- you'll go in with your eyes wide open, knowing full well that it will be the most difficult relationship you will ever have but also having within marriage, the possibility of experiencing the closest thing to heaven on earth. :)

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