Sunday, October 27, 2013

Chopsticks and other cutlery..

Was chatting with a girlfriend and asking about her boyfriend..she told me she was struggling with the fact that they're so different..she had imagined her ideal spouse to be someone very similar to her and that they would serve the Lord joyously together...and had even received a prophecy that she and her spouse would be working like a pair of chopsticks to advance God's kingdom..

I told her I could empathsize and I had the same notion that marrying someone very similar to myself would be a great idea (super foodie! Now I shudder to think how dangerous to health that might be.. :P)..and that the Keeper and I are extremely different and that he believes that is evidence of God's working in our He has brought together two people from opposite sides of the globe and whose strengths and weaknesses  complement each other and we are both supplemented because of that..

He's diplomatic and very unlikely to say anything that will put him in a tight position...I'm straight forward and often rather candid..

He's deliberate and prefers to consider every decision carefully while I'm rather impulsive and tend to trust my instincts..

He keeps a respectful distance from most people while I usually find it relatively easy to get close to people..

Had a sudden brain wave and told her that maybe a marriage relationship is less like a pair of chopsticks and more like a pair of fork and spoon..
they may look rather different but together, work beautifully in tandem..:)))

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