Tuesday, March 4, 2014

we are one..

this morning as a cloud of insecurity set in, I thought I might message the Keeper and ask him what his reaction will be if I gained a few kilos and stayed heavy...I remembered the last time when I asked something similiar, he had (in uncharacteristically undiplomatic fashion) said that he'd exercise with me more....... (not an acceptable answer for any gents reading by the way..)

and then I realized that it's no point asking...'cos the question that I was essentially asking was:

"will you love and accept me......no matter what..??"

and it's not because I know that he loves me unconditionally or he said or done something dramatic but it's the fact that we are already married. We are ONE before God's eyes..and it's a 'till death do us part' convenant....

and maybe God wants us to get married so that we understand the relationship we have with Him more... that in the same sense with Jesus..once we accept Christ, it's a 'His death has ensured that we will never part' convenant and I don't ever have to doubt whether He loves me or accepts me because we are one too.............

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