Wednesday, December 11, 2013

the reason for our marriage..

a concerned friend told me that she thought that I'm quite a particular person (I am....I notice all the small details that most other people wouldn' scents/smells, sounds and pick up very subtle body language etc etc)...and that she was slightly worried for my marriage...that it'd be hard for the Keeper to get along with me.

I brushed it off saying, "Oh, he's very patient and problem.."

She was still undeterred and proceeded to share a story of a couple she knew with a seemingly loving marriage on the outside and ended up with divorce..she didn't exactly state the reason for the separation but added in details like a demanding mother-in-law who had to stay with the couple because they needed her help with their three young kids and that the husband seemed like a very easy going person....

I was still unbothered and said that the Keeper and I are married to help each other become more like Christ.

She looked thoughtful for a while and dropped the subject.

I think I'm a bit slow in person and only articulate my thoughts after a conversation sometimes..

I guess what I really wanted to tell her is that... we didn't get married to make ourselves or each other happy and if either of us is unhappy, it wouldn't be a reason for separation...we got married to make God happy and nothing makes Him happier to see a husband love his wife and his wife submit to her husband and for a couple to mirror the sacrificial and selfless relationship between Christ and His bride, the church...sounds almost trite but it's I do have full confidence not in the Keeper but in God to safeguard and protect our marriage and use it for His glory and purposes.

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