Friday, September 19, 2014

A change of perspective

While chatting with the Keeper today...the topic of female genocide in China and India came up...and I wanted to show off my deep spiritual insight on the matter and quipped, "LL and I were talking about it and she said that abortions are modern day child sacrifices..."

And I was going to add that the devil especially hates women 'cos it's all gender-selective abortions...

Then it suddenly hit me...if my parents had known that I was female, maybe they would have chosen the same route...

So the doctor whom I have been blaming all along for telling my parents that I was a boy hence causing them to have unmet hopes and crushing disappointment might have inadvertently saved my life... could also have been one of my own fingers at the strategic moment when the scan was being conducted...a 'V for victory' sign perhaps? 

But no matter what, here I am, world!! 

Thank you God for preserving my life and choosing me to be female! Indeed, You have great plans for me and You have created me to be a blessing to many! Woohoo! 

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