Sunday, May 18, 2014


I think I shouldn't be surprised anymore but I think there is a common perception that in our marriage, I'm the one who's more dominating and demanding and that my husband has to adjust and change to suit my preferences.....

Last night, a friend half chided me and commented that I shouldn't be asking my husband to change so much...I think she was referring mostly to his appearance... hair style, clothes etc... the thing is, I think the Keeper doesn't really care...What I mean is, he doesn't really fuss about superficial stuff like that.. ;P He's pretty easy going when it comes to clothes and fashion and trusts in my taste (He should ..I married him afterall!! And tell him regularly how handsome I find him!)...and most times, when I ask him about his preferences (yes, I do ask..),  he'd reply, smiling, "whatever my wife likes."

The same friend then commented that I should allow my husband to change me...and this set me thinking...

yeah, my husband does change me too...dressing wise, I now chose more modest items 'cos that's his preference... and he's also caused changes where it matters the most...

His love in my life has resulted in a lot of areas where I previously thought I was unlovely and "unacceptable".... he's modeled for me grace and forgiveness and shown me what it looks like to be truly generous and, yeah, the changes do work both ways...and I do believe he's changed me more than I've changed him and I thank God for him every single day. ;)

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