Tuesday, March 3, 2015

We have a bun....

...in the oven...due November. 

Yes! We are expecting a baby!

Bull's eye!! Within the first month of trying!

God, you are so good!!! 

I cried when the digital test kit flashed "pregnant"...the joy and excitement of new life but mainly 'cos I thought God has been telling me that I'm pregnant but I had dismissed it as me being slightly unhinged...

We started trying on the 10th feb and on 12th feb, a friend messaged me and asked if I'm pregnant because when she was praying for me, she saw a baby in a ratten basket..my reaction was to laugh and exclaim: "If I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant one day!!!" 

And then last week, I received a copy of 'American Baby' with my name in the mail...I didn't sign up for it and wondered who did...but when I saw the cover- it was a blond baby boy in a blue and orange one piece- I had a sense of peace and knowing that I was carrying a boy...and he would be an "American baby"...

Thank you God for the advance notices and reassurances...thank you for the privilege of being parents and growing our family! We are so grateful!

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