Friday, December 20, 2013

The Secret to Security...

Before the Keeper and I got married, someone came up to me and told me that after much praying, said he had received the impression that the Keeper is a conman and I shouldn't marry him. This person has a history of giving me advice with undesirable consequences so I didn't take his words seriously and instead, was rather offended- "Did he think I cannot hear God myself? Does he doubt my intuition/ intelligence etc????

I told the Keeper about the message and he was totally unruffled and just brushed it off. 

Recently someone whom I have only seen a few times passed a slightly unflattering and inaccurate comment and I found myself getting annoyed...

I related it to the Keeper and asked him about the previous incident and how he could remain so calm when someone passes such an unsavoury judgement about him...he replied very simply, "He doesn't know me."

That made me think for a first I thought,"yeah, I should only care about what the people closest to me and who know me the best and who love me my husband!!" 

But then realized that, no, that's not it....the secret to being paying attention and giving heed only to the opinion of the One who made me and knows me the best...

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb."

"You will take delight in me with gladness.
With Your love, You will calm all my fears.
You will rejoice over me with joyful songs."

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