Friday, December 20, 2013

The Secret to Security...

Before the Keeper and I got married, someone came up to me and told me that after much praying, said he had received the impression that the Keeper is a conman and I shouldn't marry him. This person has a history of giving me advice with undesirable consequences so I didn't take his words seriously and instead, was rather offended- "Did he think I cannot hear God myself? Does he doubt my intuition/ intelligence etc????

I told the Keeper about the message and he was totally unruffled and just brushed it off. 

Recently someone whom I have only seen a few times passed a slightly unflattering and inaccurate comment and I found myself getting annoyed...

I related it to the Keeper and asked him about the previous incident and how he could remain so calm when someone passes such an unsavoury judgement about him...he replied very simply, "He doesn't know me."

That made me think for a first I thought,"yeah, I should only care about what the people closest to me and who know me the best and who love me my husband!!" 

But then realized that, no, that's not it....the secret to being paying attention and giving heed only to the opinion of the One who made me and knows me the best...

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb."

"You will take delight in me with gladness.
With Your love, You will calm all my fears.
You will rejoice over me with joyful songs."

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

the reason for our marriage..

a concerned friend told me that she thought that I'm quite a particular person (I am....I notice all the small details that most other people wouldn' scents/smells, sounds and pick up very subtle body language etc etc)...and that she was slightly worried for my marriage...that it'd be hard for the Keeper to get along with me.

I brushed it off saying, "Oh, he's very patient and problem.."

She was still undeterred and proceeded to share a story of a couple she knew with a seemingly loving marriage on the outside and ended up with divorce..she didn't exactly state the reason for the separation but added in details like a demanding mother-in-law who had to stay with the couple because they needed her help with their three young kids and that the husband seemed like a very easy going person....

I was still unbothered and said that the Keeper and I are married to help each other become more like Christ.

She looked thoughtful for a while and dropped the subject.

I think I'm a bit slow in person and only articulate my thoughts after a conversation sometimes..

I guess what I really wanted to tell her is that... we didn't get married to make ourselves or each other happy and if either of us is unhappy, it wouldn't be a reason for separation...we got married to make God happy and nothing makes Him happier to see a husband love his wife and his wife submit to her husband and for a couple to mirror the sacrificial and selfless relationship between Christ and His bride, the church...sounds almost trite but it's I do have full confidence not in the Keeper but in God to safeguard and protect our marriage and use it for His glory and purposes.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

God sighting 10th Dec 2013

This morning I was trying to record a passage of the New Testament for the Keeper and was struggling big time with a runny nose. It wasn't a cold per se but allergy reactions to the cats' dander...having to pause the recording every few seconds made me realize how severe it's gotten...(and yes I still touch Didi at times...he's like enticing but you really pay for the consequences...oh I can take antihistamines but they make me really drowsy and it's not an ideal state for work...and the runny nose resolves by about noon daily..)

And then I thought about messaging the Keeper to whine about it but thought..what good would that do? He'd most probably remind me of the move to Kentucky in less than 24 weeks..

So I tried to console myself with the thought of staying with Hachi for 10 days later this month when his owner goes back to Australia for the Christmas holidays...and thought how nice it'd be if I could stay there longer but to be content with a short respite...

And voila! Hachi's owner messages me to let me know that she's had some change of plans and will be extending her stay in Sydney and if I could help for about three and a half weeks!!! 

Of course I can!!! :D 

(My mum didn't appear too thrilled with the news though and looked rather scornful after she found out that it's not a paid gig and said,"so you are volunteering?!?" I think she's the sort of person who does not understand illness or allergies...she thinks that I am just making the allergies up and being too finicky about the cleanliness of our home...I showed her my swollen blood shot eyes and she remarked, "they don't look that bad what..." Yup, compassion and empathy is definitely not her strong suite...but thankfully God seems more sympathetic..yay to quiet and clean living in the middle of the city next week!!!)

Monday, December 9, 2013

How the Keeper got his nickname..

a rehash from a FB post....blogging it here again for was written in April 2013..

definitely a keeper...
I have told the first part of this story to some friends and the usual reaction is one of shock and disgust. (and now I guess, they must have also wondered if there's anything wrong with my brain..)

One guy whom I was seriously dating AND considering marrying AND already agreed to marry told me moments after he 'sorta' proposed : "If you ever get fat, I'd like you to go for liposuction." My incredulous response was: " Do you know it's more dangerous than getting a liver transplant?"

He looked thoughtful for a while and I thought he was going to retract his earlier statement. Instead, he said matter of factly: "We just have to find a good doctor."

So recently, I got attached again and I realized that the insecurities from that last relationship had grown (despite all I passionately post about having a healthy body image and the beauty myth, I don't think I'm fully out of the shadows..) and I asked the guy about a certain part of me which I felt especially uncomfortable about. 

And his reply was: "They're fine because they belong to you."

Friday, December 6, 2013


After the tumultuous events over the past few weeks, things have finally settled down and it seems that everything is working out beautifully..

The original menu was supposed to be alcohol free... basically the bride who is a dietitian was concerned about the health effects of alcohol...truth be told, it's mainly cos of the cost factor. Plus, I didn't think that many friends and family members drink as well..

Mom, however, threw a fit when she found out and insisted that red wine is a must...

I was rather adamant at first but decided to back down after a day or two after consulting with an aunt who pointed out that it would appear miserly if no wine is served and also my grandma and another aunt do enjoy a glass of red occasionally (this was news to me) I looked at the contract of the wedding dinner and was aghast to find the clause of "no external beverages are allowed to be brought in" and wanted to kick myself for not negotiating a corkage waiver (I didn't think we'll need it) and after checking with the assistant banquet manager, corkage for wine is about $18 a bottle..and the restaurant's house wine is $40 a bottle.. 

So I am thinking... The house wine most probably wouldn't be fantastic and the people who would appreciate wine will know that it's not great..and if we paid corkage and bought our own, it would work mouth to a rather hefty expense...

So I asked the Keeper to pray alongside about the matter and how we could best handle the situation..

And voila! The next day when I checked the contract again, where the perks were listed, it actually cleared stated that corkage is waived!


And then I have a friend in Sydney (thank God for talented friends from all over!) - he writes the most entertaining wine reviews- I have showed him the menu and now he's in the process of choosing some wines for the dinner! So happy! Our guests will get to enjoy delicious wines and my mom will be happy and our budget is still fairly reasonable!

And my second sister has already purchased the fabric for my tea ceremony dress..(she's a fashion designer by trade and is going to make a cheong sam for me... she's known to be a super procrastinator and would usually give my mom an outfit for an event MINUTES before the it is really quite a feat that the fabrics are purchased 5 months in advance..)

The other two wedding gowns I will be wearing are already ready - and because they have a flexible tie back option, I do not have to fret about gaining or losing weight...they will fit no matter what.....I only have to get a can-can underdress for them....which my second sister is going to loan me..(she was going to go into a wedding gown rental business..) 

Invites have been sent out via Facebook and google docs is doing the tough job of collating responses and we'll send out physical invites about 2 months before the dinner.. 

Tasting of the wedding menu will most probably take place during that time..otherwise it will be the first week that Dennis is here.... which is one week before the wedding dinner...but *shrugs* it should be fine as well...there's only one item in the cold dish platter that I'd like the chef to change as it's slightly repetitive but other than that, every thing else is fine.. 

wedding photographer has also been booked (a really good friend) and the plan is to do the tea ceremony at 5.30pm and then cocktails at thinking that as incentive for my relatives (most probably only my mom's side) to come down  for the tea ceremony to tell them that we'll get the wedding photographer to do family portraits as well...since every one's going to be decked up anywhere...might as well take more pictures right? :)) So at least we can bless the relatives back in a small way......My family has not taken any 'proper' family portraits before.. 

the wedding make up artiste cum hair stylist will be my younger sister...and we are doing a trial run's also my company's D&D so every thing's quite on track... 

So more soldiering.. More like cruising..  :))