Thursday, July 10, 2014

Just like you...

"How I wish God will give me a man I don't need to fix!!!"

This is a friend's response to a story about the Keeper.... how I thank God for a godly husband and how extremely happy and grateful I feel... 

The man that my friend is seeing and intending to walk down the aisle with is a Christian but does not act out his faith in a tangible way and she feels that it will do him good to return to church..she loves him very much and almost seems to feel as though that she has to choose between God and her boyfriend.. 

Ask me about the issue of being 'equally yoked' last year and I will tell you very clearly that "yes, it is in God's word to not to be yoked with unbelievers".... and that being with a person who does not love or know God is not a wise thing to do... 

How about now? views have changed slightly... a guy who is totally devoted to the Lord and to you can still stumble down the road... there are stories of famous Christian leaders who have fallen... As much as I hate to think about it, there is no certainty in life...and so what if you marry a really godly man? Does it mean that your life will be a bed of roses from this point on..? Most probably not...BUT.... having been there, done that and dated my share of swamp things (nobody to blame but myself for fishing in swamps), I can assure you that it will be a much less ardourous have someone on your team who shares the same values and's almost like playing a game with a person who abides by the same's just so much easier...

So what am I saying?

It's ok to be yoked unequally?!!

Sure, as long as you know that it's not your job to change him, that you might have a tremendous amount of guilt that can feels overwhelming at times and that conflicts and arguments might be more frequent and you might not be as spiritually and emotionally intimate as you like... 

But but..this sounds so callous..!!

yeah. And before you stomp off angrily, also let me assure that God loves that person even more than you love him and that He will also do all it takes to bring him back to Him and it is our responsibility to stay close to Him and to listen to Him and allow Him to love us... He's already forgiven you for everything you've done....Jesus has died on the cross for our sins...everything you have done in the past, present and future...all please, walk under that banner of grace and know that your loving Father is not angry at you and longs to spend time with you daily, to comfort you when you are down and He lights up with joy when you are happy.... 

Bottom line: it's fine if you want to remain with your boyfriend and it's also ok if you choose to break up with him....God will take care of the BOTH of you... Your boyfriend is not the 'bad' guy.... He's also God's precious child, just like you..... 

(But!! I do not believe that God tells people to date or marry non-believers...I believe it's something He allows 'cos He gives free will and I will be rather leery of any voice which tell a person anything contrary to what has already been communicated in the scriptures...)

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