In my mind, I immediately answered, "Daughter of God".
He went on to suggest that many define themselves by what they do, by the careers they have... and then things became a little more heavy as he talked about how the heart is deceitful beyond all things and how deep down, we are wicked..and he was quick to confess that he is legalistic himself and how many are the same as him....sinful but not aware of how sinful they are...
My problem?
He was preaching to a bunch of Christians. I was pretty sure that every single person in that room had already received Christ, there was just one visitor in the venue...
It looks good to be beat up our chests and cry out to God, "OH! I'm so unworthy! I'm so sinful!!! Oh! God! Just do whatever you want with my and my life!!!!"
And God says, "Child, stop that. I don't see you as sinful. I see you as whole and perfect. Because when I see you, I see the image of Christ. Go and share of my love with other people. Do not tell them lies about me. I am not a harsh, angry and distant God, ready to strike down any man and woman when they sin. I am a long suffering, loving and compassionate father who's always watching the horizon for the return of the prodigal."
When a person believes that they are inherently sinful and deeply flawed even after receiving Christ, is it any wonder that they will continue to struggle with sin? And what is sin? Coping mechanisms to get what we think God won't give us....providence, comfort, pleasures, desires...
If I think God will not provide me with enough money, I will cheat, steal and lie...and even murder when it comes to that....
If I think God will not comfort me, I might turn to drugs, food, drink, tv, sex for comfort...
I used to struggle alot with negative thoughts and masturbation, to food... why? The addictive behaviors were comforting...if I felt down, frustrated, lonely, that's what I'd do...
How about now? I talk to God and I listen to what He has to say. And that sets me free. My heavenly Father is more than ready to talk to me anytime and gives me full assurance that he is for me, not against me..that he will never forsake or leave me and His plans for me are to give me a hope and a future. It sounds all so cliche...but that is truly the key to the freedom that I'm experiencing now...
Because God is my father, I am free NOT to sin and I am free to be who He created me to be...that I do not have to conform to the expectations of other people, I am free to love myself and others unconditionally because we are wonderfully and fearfully made and I have hope for now and for eternity.