So the Keeper and I had differing views of the most appropriate counsel to give a my mind I thought that my approach would be superior, "How many women has my husband counseled? Of course I would be more experienced in this area and my advice would be better..."
As I opened my mouth to verbalize those thoughts, the answer suddenly dawned ...
"The Keeper has been consistently counseling one's an extremely difficult case but he's done really well..."
How blessed am I to have the privilege of his wisdom and loving attention everyday...just as a gardener carefully tends to his garden, I am grateful for his guidance in snipping off destructive thought patterns and behaviors and handling wounded areas tenderly, watering them with love and exposing them to the light of God's truth...
(PS: I think that a husband is not responsible for his wife's emotional health but I am immensely thankful that God has given a spouse whom, when challenging events happen and I break down, does not tell me to "Stop it! It's no big deal" and instead says, "I can understand how that would be hurtful. I'm sorry to hear that." and follows up with, "That's a wound that only God can heal...Remember His love is always steadfast and unfailing.")